Popperian falsifiability – Falsifiabilism and critical rationalism

Popperian falsifiability Karl Popper remarked that general relativity made it possible to make predictions which very well might not have been verified, whereas other theories found confirmation in everything. Moreover, Einstein himself said that there is no logical method to … Read More

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Criticisms of ontological argument for the existence of God

Gaunilon and Thomas Aquinas opposed, in the Middle Ages, the ontological argument developed by Saint Anselm: it is not because we imagine and design a fortunate island that it necessarily exists, Gaunilon objects in substance. Similarly, it could be objected … Read More

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Analogy of intelligence with other disciplines

Intelligence analysis has many important epistemological resemblances with science (problem solving, discovery, skillful use of tools, knowledge verification) and is more interested in a posteriori than a priori knowledge, on how or the basis on which a proposition may be known. The puzzle metaphor is used in both information and archeology. Both disciplines involve collecting evidence to build as complete a picture as possible. The process of converting raw information into actionable processed intelligence is almost identical for governmental and business organizations. The medical practice of diagnosing identification, collection, analysis and dissemination is similar to that of intelligence.

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26511.12963

Analogy of intelligence with other disciplines

Historicity of reason – Contemporary critique of modern rationalism

Historicity of reason With the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel put forward the historicity of a reason which develops its forms through the history of the world. The Hegelian discovery is the historical character of reason, and this awareness of historicity … Read More

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