Fish & Fishing

Fish & FishingA detailed guide of everything you want and need to know about fish.

A fish is a water-dwelling vertebrate with gills that doesn”t change form, as amphibians do, during its life. Most are cold-blooded, though some (such as some species of tuna and shark) are warm-blooded. There are over 29,000 species of fish, making them the most diverse group of vertebrates. Fishing is the activity of hunting for fish. Fishing is a very ancient practice that dates back at least to the Mesolithic period which began about 10,000 years ago.
Fishing is the activity of hunting for fish. By extension, the term fishing is also applied to hunting for other aquatic animals such as various types of shellfish as well as squid, octopus, turtles, frogs and some edible marine invertebrates. Fish as a food describes the edible parts of water-dwelling, cold-blooded vertebrates with gills, as well as certain other water-dwelling animals such as mollusks, crustaceans, and shellfish. An aquarium (plural aquariums or aquaria) is a vivarium, usually contained in a clear-sided container (typically constructed of glass or high-strength plastic) in which water-dwelling plants and animals (usually fish, and sometimes invertebrates, as well as amphibians, marine mammals, and reptiles) are kept in captivity, often for public display; or it is an establishment featuring such displays. A detailed guide of everything you want and need to know about fish.


– Classification
– Fish anatomy
– – Digestive system
– – Respiratory system
– – Circulatory system
– – Excretory system
– – Sensory and nervous system
– – Muscular system
– – Fish locomotion
– – Reproductive system
– – Immune system
– Evolution
– Fish disease
– See also
– Note on usage: “fish” vs. “fishes”
– References
– Contents
– History
– – Pre-historical Era
– – Judeo-Christian Era
– – Mediterranean Era
– – European Renaissance Era
– – Exploration and Colonization Era
– – Modern Era
– Modern Publications
– Organizations
– Notable ichthyologists
– See also
– References
Electric fish
– Contents
– Strongly and weakly electric fish
– Table of electric fish
– References
– Contents
– Fishing in antiquity
– – Origins
– – Ancient representations
– – Ancient literature
– Fishing techniques
– – Hand fishing
– – Spear and bow fishing
– – Fishing nets
– – Dredging
– – Fishing lines
– – Kite fishing
– – Ice fishing
– – Fish traps
– – Lobster and crab pots
– – Trained animals
– – Toxins
– – Explosives
– – Electrofishing
– Modern fishing
– – Recreational fishing
– – Commercial fishing
– Preservation
– Fish products
– – Food
– – Live fish
– – Other products
– Cultural references
– References
– See also
Fishing industry
– See also
Fish market
– Contents
– History and development
– Notable fish markets
– – Operative markets
– – Historical markets
– Contents
– History of whaling
– – Iceland
– – Japan
– – United States
– Modern whaling
– – Canadian whaling
– – Caribbean whaling
– – Faroe Islands
– – Greenlandic whaling
– – Iceland
– – Indonesian whaling
– – Japan
– – Norway
– – Russian whaling
– – United States whaling
– – Bycatch and illegal trade
– The arguments for and against whaling
– – Conservation status
– – Method of killing
– – The economic argument
– – Intelligence
– – Safety of eating whale meat
– – Fishing
– References
– – General references
– – – Books
Recreational fishing
– Contents
– – Introduction
– – Fishing techniques for fresh waters in temperate climes
– – Responsible use of bait fish
– – A brief note on saltwater fishing
– – Preparing roe as a bait
– – Catch and release
– – Criticism
– See also
Edible fish
– Contents
– Common food fish
– Preserving fish for market
– Preparation for consumption
– Is fish meat?
– Footnotes
– Contents
– Types of fishkeeping
– The origins of fishkeeping
– Modern fishkeeping
– The Fishkeeping Industry
– Fish breeding
– Conservation and science
– Animal Welfare
– Controversy
– Invasive Species
– Further reading
– See also
– Contents
– History and development
– – Etymology
– – Ancient practices
– – Glass enclosures
– – Popularization
– Function and design
– – Design
– – Classifications
– – – Water conditions
– – – Secondary water characteristics
– – – Size
– – Species selection
– – – Species selection for saltwater aquaria
– – Source of aquarium inhabitants
– Ecology
– – Nitrogen cycle
– – Other nutrient cycles
– – Biological loading
– Public aquaria
– See also
– Available species
– See also
Aquarium furniture
– See also
Community tank
– Good community fish
– Water chemistry
– Contents
– History
– Design
– Species
– – Trade and capture
– Animal welfare
– See also
– References
Marine mammal park
– Contents
– History
– Criticism and animal welfare
– Books
– See also
– Contents
– Substrates for freshwater aquaria
– – Freshwater aquaria with live plants
– Substrates for saltwater aquaria
– Substrates for specialty tanks
– Biological filtration via substrate
– References
Tropical fish
– See also
Wet dry filter
– Contents
– Reclassification of Barbs
– Species
– References
– Contents
– In the aquarium
– – Common aquarium species
– Species
– – P. cochonius sub group
– References
– Contents
– Controversy
– Types of carp
– In Legend
– Contents
– History
– Varieties of domesticated goldfish
– – Chinese Goldfish classification
– Goldfish in ponds
– Goldfish in aquaria
– Feeding
– Behavior
– Native environment
– Breeding
– Mosquito control
– Edibility and cruelty
– See also
– Notes
– References
– Contents
– Physical characteristics
– – Size
– Family
– Southern tradition
– Trivia
– Other catfish
– References
– Related Families
– References
– Footnotes
– Contents
– Characteristics of cichlids
– Range
– Diet
– Reproduction
– Endangered cichlids
– Hybrid cichlids
– Cichlids as aquarium fish
– Genera
– References
– Further reading
Jewel cichlid
– Species
– Aquarium care
– References
– Species
– In the aquarium
– References
– Species
– In the aquarium
– Species
– In the aquarium
– References
– Contents
– Common names given to Danionin species
– Species, listed in order of scientific name, categorised by genus
– – Danios
– – Devarios
– – Little known Devarios
– – Tanichthys
– – Esomus
– – Chela
– – Parachela
– – Inlecypris
– – Other Danionin genera
– – – Danionella
– – – Microrasbora
– – – Sundadanio
– Danionins renamed or wrongly identified
– See also
– Contents
– Mudskippers
– Symbiosis
– In aquaria
– See also
– References
– Contents
– Species
– References
– Live-bearing
Poecilia sphenops
Acanthemblemaria spinosa
– Contents
– Altolamprologus calvus
– Altolamprologus compressiceps
– In the aquarium
– References
Bala shark
– Contents
– General Overview
– Tank preferences
– Native habitat
Brine shrimp
Bubble nest
– Contents
– Species which build Bubblenests
– Construction of Bubblenests
– Bubblenests and Breeding
– Triggers of Bubblenest Construction
– See also
– Contents
– Biology
– Reproduction
– Lifespan
– Uses
– Ecology
Deep sand bed
Fish anatomy
– Contents
– Body
– Fins
– Scales
– Internal organs
Fish diseases
– Contents
– Prevention
– Fish disease etiology
– Fish disease by affected organ system
– Fish Disease treatment
– – Basics
– – – Hospital Tank
– – – Baths
– – – – Salt bath
– – – Heat Therapy
– – – Medications
– – Treatment Options
– – Example drugs used in Fish treatment
– Complications
– References
Gobiosoma multifasciatum
– Contents
– Description
– In the aquarium
– Conservation status
– Reproduction
Ichthyology terms
List of freshwater aquarium fish species
– See also
List of freshwater aquarium invertebrate species
– Shrimp
– Crayfish
– Snails
List of freshwater aquarium plant species
– Contents
– Introduction
– Fake or pseudo-aquarium plants
– Listed alphabetically by scientific name
– See also
List of marine aquarium fish species
– Contents
– Angelfish
– Anthias
– Bass
– Basslets
– Batfish
– Blennies
– Boxfish
– Butterflyfish
– Cardinalfish
– Chromis
– Clownfish
– Damsels
– Dottybacks
– Dragonets
– Eels
– Filefish
– Foxface
– Gobies
– Groupers
– Hawkfish
– Hogfish
– Jawfish
– Lionfish
– Pipefish
– Pufferfish
– Pseudochromis
– Rabbitfish
– Rays
– Seahorse
– Squirrelfish
– Tangs
– Tilefish
– Triggerfish
– Wrasse
Live rock
– Purpose of Live Rock
Marine aquarium
– Contents
– Marine fishkeeping history
– Modern fishkeeping
– – Marine Aquarium Components
– – Live rock
– – Filtration
– – Lighting
– – Heating
– – Water testing
– – Water changes
– Conservation
– – Commercial front
– References and further reading
Painted fish
– Contents
– Methods
– Varieties
– – Some commonly painted species
– Health hazards to painted fish
– Efforts to stop fish painting
– References
Protein skimmer
– Contents
– Function
– Design
– – Air stone
– – Downdraft
– – Venturi
– – Needlewheel
– – Spray Induction
– – Beckett
– References
Reef aquarium
– Contents
– Methodology
– – The aquarium
– – Filtration
– – [edit] Water movement
– – Lighting
– – Heating & cooling
Saddleback clownfish
– Contents
– Appearance
– Habitat
– Diet
Taxonomic classes
– Classes of Chordata
– Taxonomy & Phylogeny
– Fossil agnathans
– Species
– References
– Contents
– Physical description
– Fossil lampreys
– Taxonomy
– Relation to humans
– Trivia
– – Vedius Pollio
– – Philip Larkin
– – King Henry I
– Notes
– References
– Taxonomy & Phylogeny
Cartilaginous fishes
– Characteristics
– Taxonomy
Bony fish
– Contents
– Characteristics
– – Replacement bone
– Examples
Ray-finned fish
– Classification
– Notes
– Systematics
– – Acipenseriformes
– References
– Contents
– Description
– – Albula
– – Pterothrissus
– Species
– References
– References
– Contents
– Biology
– – Description
– – Life cycle
– Classification
– Suborders and families
– Use by humans
– Other Information
– Species
– References
– Reference
– Families
– References
– Reference
– Reference
– Classification
– Families
– References
– References
– Pikes
– Mudminnows
– Reference
– Classification
– References
– Classification
– Species
– References
– See also
– References
– Gar in aquaria
– Gar diversity
– Contents
– Predation
– Reproduction
– Consumption
– References
– List of Species
– Reference
– References
– References
– References
– Classification
– References
– Families
– References
– Families
– See also
– Classification
– References
– Species
– References
– Classification
– Diet
– References
– Classification
– Notes and references
– References
– Contents
– Distribution and morphology
– Luminescence
– Daily migration
– Reproduction
– Classification
– References
– Classification
– References
– Physical characteristics
– Families
– References
Lobe-finned fish
– Taxonomy and Phylogeny
– Evolution of Sarcopterygii
– See also
– Contents
– Anatomy
– Behavior
– Taxonomy
– References
Prehistoric fish
– Contents
– – Jawless fish
– – Cartilaginous fish
– – Sharks, acanthodians and placoderms
– – Primitive ray-finned fish
– – Modern ray-finned fish
– – Fleshy-lobed fish
– References
– References
– References
GNU Free Documentation License
– GNU Free Documentation License
– Fish & Fishing
About the author
– Nicolae Sfetcu
– – Contact
Publishing House
– MultiMedia Publishing

Fish and Fishing

The future of eugenics

A “free-market” approach to the genetic development of children may result in a homogenising. Parents may be inclined to choose according to models accepted by society. In this case, improving technologies “will grant racism and homophobia an unprecedented efficacy.” One concern about the obligation to produce the best child in a particular society is that social norms may be discriminatory, so that in the end, for example, most children will be boys, extremists and heterosexuals. The sequencing of the human genome can help us in human evolution, to understand diseases for direct appropriate treatment, identify mutations that cause disease, and correct them.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23389.67044

The future of eugenics

About Cats

About CatsA guide for the cat lovers about the cat behavior, cat attractants, cat breeds, cat health and food, type of cats, cats as pets, fictional cats, films about cats, historical cats. A book full with pictures of the most important cat breeds, tips and advice for cat behavior, cat diseases and how to take care of the cats.

The cat, also called the domestic cat or house cat, is a small feline carnivorous mammal of the subspecies Felis silvestris catus. Its most immediate pre-domestication ancestor is the African wild cat, Felis silvestris lybica. The cat has been living in close association with humans for at least 3,500 years; the Ancient Egyptians routinely used cats to keep mice and other rodents (mostly rats) away from their grain (and also believed that cats were sacred to the goddess Bastet). The history of the domestic cat may stretch back even further, as 8,000-year-old bones of humans and cats were found buried together on the island of Cyprus.


– Characteristics
– – Physical
– – Senses
– – – Sight
– – – Hearing
– – – Smell
– – – Touch
– – – Taste
– – Communication
– – Hunting and diet
– – Hygiene
– – – Declawing
– – Environment
– Reproduction and genetics
– Domestication
– – Feral cats
– – Environmental issues
– Scientific classification
– Varieties of domestic cat
– History and mythology
– References
– See also
– Purebred
– See also
– Animal Communication
– Intraspecies vs. interspecies communication
– Interspecies communication
– – Prey to predator
– – Predator to prey
– – Symbiotic species
– – Human/animal communication
– Intraspecies communication
– – Forms of communication
– – Functions of communication
– – Evolution of communication
– Communication and understanding
– Animal communication and human behaviour
– Animal communication and linguistics
– Introduction
– BIKECAT’s characteristics
– BIKECAT’s increased popularity
– – Origins of his nickname
– – What users think of him
– His pictures
– See also
– Black Cat
– Historical associations
– Witchcraft
– Cat Coat Genetics
– Genes involved in albinism, dominant white, and white spotting
– Genes involved in orange, black, brown, and diluted colors
– Genes involved in fur pattern and shading
– How breeders can identify and separate tabby genes
– Genes involved in fur length and texture
– See also
– Cat Deterrent
– – Lion Dung
– – Citrus deterrents
– – Ultrasonic device
– – Electric fencing
– Cat Hoarding
– References
– Cat Show
– Registering bodies
– See also
– Catgirl
– List of catgirl characters
– Cats in Ancient Egypt
– Cats in other religions
– Cats in everyday life in Ancient Egypt
– Cats in Egyptian mythology
– Bubastis and the Cult of the Cat
– Funerary traditions
– The decline of cat-worship
– References
– See also
– Felis
– Felis Britannica
– Feral Cat Colony
– Colonies often considered a nuisance
– “Managed” colonies
– Breeds arising from feral cat colonies
– Fédération Internationale Féline
– Kitten
– Birth and development
– Caring for domestic kittens
– Perceptions of cuteness
– See also
– Pedigree
– See also
– Points (Coat Color)
– Breeds with points
– Purr
– How felines purr
– – Historical theories
– Why felines purr
– Other examples of purring
– References
– Selective Breeding
– Selective Breeding Methods
– – Closed vs. open studbook
– – Crossbreeding and backbreeding
– Purebred Cats, Dogs and the Debate over ‘Breed Purity’
– Purebreds
– Show
– See also
– Show Cat
– See also
– Taboo Food and Drink
– Pets
– – Cats
– References
– Taurine
– Chemistry
– Physiology and Pharmacology
– Uses
– Winged Cat
– Historical Winged Cats
– Feline Cutaneous Asthenia
– Veterinary Reports
– Winged Cats in Popular Culture
Cat Behavior
Cat Body Language
– Some subtle Anthropomorphisms
– In Popular Culture
Evening Crazies
– Cats
Cat Attractants
– Effects on cats
Cat Breeds
– See also
List of Cat Breeds
– Longhair and semi-longhair
– Shorthair
– Breeds with unusual physical features
– External References
– Abyssinian Cat
– Famous Abyssinians
American Bobtail
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
American Curl
– American Curl
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
American Shorthair
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
American Wirehair
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– References
– Alternative names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Notes
Australian Mist
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Bahraini Dilmun Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Bengal Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– New Developments
– Alternative Names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Origins
– Characteristics
– Personality
British Longhair
British Shorthair
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Breed Description
– Origin
– Temperament
– Care
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Chantilly/Tiffany cat
California Spangled Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Chinchilla Longhair
Cornish Rex
– Common Nicknames
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Origin
– Alternative names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Notes
Devon Rex
– Common nickname
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Don Sphynx
– Alternative names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Egyptian Mau
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Popular Culture
– References
European Shorthair
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Exotic Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Known movie apparition
– Appearance
– Description
– Character
– Care and grooming
Foldex Cat
Foreign White
Havana Brown
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– References
– Trivia
Japanese Bobtail
– History
– General
– Breed standards (external links)
– Alternative names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– LaPerm Breed Profile
– History
– Description
– LaPerms in the UK
Maine Coon
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Origin
– Physical characteristics
– Behavioral characteristics
– Health considerations
– Common nicknames:
– Country of origin:
– Breed standards (external links):
– Origin
– Other Tailless Cats
– Tail length
– Health
– – Manx Syndrome
– Personality
– Coat
– Trivia
– See also
– Reference
– Minx
– Mynx
– Genetics
Neva Masquerade
Norwegian Forest Cat
– Alternative names
– Common nickname
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Countries introduced
Ojos Azules
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Notes
– References
Oriental Longhair
Oriental Shorthair
– Country of origin
– Alternative Names
– Breed standards (external links)
– Description
– Origins
– Oriental Shorthairs as pets
Oriental Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Breed Description
– – Physical characteristics
– – Temperament
– Breed history
– Other information
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– General Description
– History
– – Mrs. Ann Baker
– Color forms
– Personality
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– History
– Characteristics
Rex Cat
– See also
Russian Blue
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Notes
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Generations
– Characteristics
– Behaviors
– Care
Scottish Fold
Selkirk Rex
Serengeti Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Variations
– Famous Siamese cats
Colorpoint Shorthair
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Alternate Names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Alternative Names
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Nicknames
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Common nickname
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– References
Turkish Angora
– Alternative name
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Physical characteristics
– Behavioral Characteristics
– History
Turkish Van
– Common Nickname
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
– Notes
– Characteristics
– Breed standards
– Preservation
– Origins
– Vans as pets
York Chocolate Cat
– Country of origin
– Breed standards (external links)
Cat Health
Cat Anatomy
Pectoral Muscles
– Pectoantibranchialis
– Pectoralis major
– Pectoralis minor
– Xiphihumeralis
Accessory Muscles of the Scapula
– Levator Scapulae Ventralis
– Teres Major
– Teres Minor
Latissimus Dorsi
– Training
Deltoid Muscles
– Acromiodeltoid
– Spinodeltoid
– Clavodeltoid (Clavobranchialis; Cleidobranchialis)
Multifidus Spinae
– Sacrospinalis muscle
– Semispinalis
– Longissimus
– Iliocostalis
– Details From Gray’s Anatomy
– – Iliocostalis
– – Longissimus
– – Spinalis
Deeper Muscles of the Neck and Back
– Rhomboideus
– Rhomboideus capitis
– Splenius
– Serratus Ventralis
– Serratus Dorsalis
– Intercostals
Integumental Muscles
Abdominal Muscles
– External Oblique
– Internal Oblique
– Transversus Abdominis
– Rectus Abdominis
– See also
Cerebellar Hypoplasia
– Cheyletiella species
– References
Corneal Ulcer
– Corneal anatomy of the dog and cat
– Corneal healing
– Superficial and deep corneal ulcers
– – Diagnosis
– – Treatment
– Refractory corneal ulcers
– – Treatment
– Melting ulcers
– Corneal ulcers in cats
– References
– Diseases of coronavirus
– Recent discoveries of novel human coronaviruses
– Species
– References
– Symptoms
– Treatment
– – Diet
– – Pills
– – Insulin injections
– – Neuropathy in cats
– Dosage and regulation
– – Blood sugar guidelines
– – Detecting and avoiding chronic somogyi rebound
– Hypoglycemic episode
– Remission in cats
Ear Mite
– Contagion
– Consequences of infection
Feline Panleukopenia
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
Feline Infectious Peritonitis
– Transmission and infection
– Symptoms
– – Effusive (wet)
– – Non-effusive (dry)
– Diagnosis
– Treatment
Feline Leukemia Virus
– Transmission
– Progression
– Viral structure
– Comparison with FIV
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
– Symptoms
– Causes
– Treatment
– Further Reading
– ICD-10
– Pathology
– Fibrosarcoma in dogs and cats
– – Reference
– Life Cycle
Great Muscles of the Head
– Masseter
– Temporalis
Heart Valve Dysplasia
– References
– History of the disease
– – Heartworm in North America
– The parasite
– Course of infestation
– Symptoms of infestation
– Epidemiology
– Testing
– Treatment
– Prevention
– Human health considerations
– Resources and external links
Hip Dysplasia
– Description
– Causes
– Detection
– Prevention
– Symptoms
– Treatment
– References
– ICD-10
– ICD-9
– Causes
– Signs and symptoms
– Diagnosis
– Treatment
– – Surgery
– – Radioiodine
– – Thyrostatics
– Veterinary medicine
– See also
Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
– ICD-10
– ICD-9
– MedlinePlus
– eMedicine
– DiseasesDB
– The disease in humans
– – Symptoms
– – Treatment
– – Causes
– The disease in dogs
– The disease in cats
– References
Luxating Patella
– References
Lymphoma in Animals
– Lymphoma in dogs
– – Classification
– – Symptoms
– – Diagnosis
– – Treatment
– – Prognosis
– Lymphoma in cats
– – Symptoms
– – Treatment and prognosis
– Lymphoma in ferrets
– References
– Symptoms
– Diagnosis
– Treatment and prognosis
– Mast cell tumors in cats
– References
– Most common types of polyneuropathy
– References
– Reference
– ICD-10
– ICD-9
– Transmission and symptoms
– The virus
– Prevention
– – Post-exposure prophylaxis
– – Pre-exposure prophylaxis
– Prevalence
– Recently publicised cases
– – Transmission by animal bites
– – Transmission through organ transplants
– Transport of pet animals between countries
– Rabies and domestic skunks in the United States
Raw Feeding
Spaying and Neutering
– Household pets
– Modern Non-surgical Alternatives
– – Injectable
– – Other Methods
– Females (spaying)
– – Terms for the spayed
– Males (neutering)
– – Terms for the neutered
– References
– Characteristics
– Ticks as disease vectors
– Location
– Facts
– Life cycle
– – Deer (black-legged) tick
– – – Larva
– – – Nymph
– – – Adult
– References
Trapezius Muscles
– Clavotrapezius
– Acromiotrapezius
– Spinotrapezius
Cat Types
American Keuda
Asian Semi-Longhair
Bicolor Cat
– Gallery of bicolour “Tuxedo” cats
Domestic Longhair Cat
Domestic Shorthaired Cat
– See also
Farm Cat
Feral Cat
– In the United States
– In Australia
– In Rome
– Feral cats and island restoration
– Activism
– References
Maltese Cat
Tabby Cat
– Tabby colors and patterns
– Gallery of tabby types
Tortoiseshell Cat
– See also
– References
Tuxedo Cat
– See also
– Conformation
– Color & Pattern
Cats as Pets
Animal Euthanasia
– Morality Debate
Animal Shelter
Cat Flap
Cat Food
– Ingredients of Cat Food
– Forms of Commercial Cat Food
– Cat Food Nutrient Profiles
– Cat food brands
– References
– Further Information
Cat Litter
– Conventional litter
– Clumping litter
– Silica gel litter
– Biodegradable litter
– Litter for dogs
Litter Box
Operation Kindness
– Mission
– Programs and services
– – Adoptions
– – Spay/Neuter
– – Habitat for Hounds
– – Education
– – Nursing Home Visits
– Donations
Scratching Post
Fictional Cats
– Legendary, mythological and fairytale cats
– Cats and felines in literature
– T. S. Eliot Cats
– Cats in books by Andre Norton
– Cats and felines in plays
– Cats and felines in film
– Cats and felines in television
– Cats and felines in animation, comics and puppetry
– Cats in electronic/video games
– Cats in song
– Cats in science
– Cats and felines on the Internet and in IT
– See also
Cats and Dogs
– Working titles
– Credits
– – Cast
– – – Voice only
– Synopsis
Cheshire Cat
– Quotes
Felix the Cat
– Creation
– Unprecedented popularity
– – Felix as mascot
– From silent to sound
– The cat’s comeback
– References
Tom and Jerry
– Plot and format
– Characters
– – Thomas “Tom” Cat (a.k.a. Jasper) and Gerald “Jerry” Mouse (a.k.a. Jinx)
– – Other characters
– History and evolution
– – The Hanna-Barbera years
– – The Gene Deitch era
– – The Chuck Jones era
– – Tom and Jerry hit television
– – Tom & Jerry’s new owners
– – Censorship
– Post-Golden Age Cartoons
– Feature films
– Other formats
– Tom and Jerry in foreign countries
– The Oscar-winning shorts
– References
– Trivia
History of Cats
– Ancient Egypt
– Vikings
– Middle Ages
– Asia
– Islam
– Europe
– Modern times
List of Historical Cats
– Cats famous in their own right
– Pets of famous people
– – Famous pets of Presidents and their families
– – Famous pets of other famous people
– – Unnamed
– Wild cats

MultiMedia Publishing

The Birds World

Birds are among the most extensively studied of all animal groups. Hundreds of academic journals and thousands of scientists are devoted to bird research, while amateur enthusiasts (called birdwatchers or, more commonly, birders) probably number in the millions.
Birds are categorised as a biological class, Aves. The earliest known species of this class is Archaeopteryx lithographica, from the Late Jurassic period. According to the most recent consensus, Aves and a sister group, the order Crocodilia, together form a group of unnamed rank, the Archosauria.
Phylogenetically, Aves is usually defined as all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of modern birds (or of a specific modern bird species like Passer domesticus), and Archaeopteryx. Modern phylogenies place birds in the dinosaur clade Theropoda.
Modern birds are divided into two superorders, the Paleognathae (mostly flightless birds like ostriches), and the wildly diverse Neognathae, containing all other birds.


– Alektorophobia
– Avian incubation
– Bird abatement
– Bird anatomy
– – Bird skeleton
– Bird bath
– Bird feeding
– – Bird food
– – Bird feeder
– Bird flight
– – Wing clipping
– Bird intelligence
– – Language of the birds
– Nidification
– Domesticated birds
– – Australian Spotted
– – Barbary Dove
– – Budgerigar
– – Cayuga Duck
– – Chicken
– – Cockatiel
– – Cockatoo
– – Common Pheasant
– – Crested Guineafowl
– – Domestic Canary
– – Domesticated duck
– – Domesticated goose
– – Domesticated turkey
– – Homing pigeon
– – Indian Runner Duck
– – Khaki Campbell
– – Ostrich
– – Pekin duck
– – Quail
– – Rock Pigeon
– – Zebra Finch
– African Grey Parrot
– Bird-safe
– British finches
– Caique
– Carrier pigeon
– Citron-crested Cockatoo
– Companion parrot
– Conure
– Cyanoramphus
– Hawaiian Goose
– Hill Myna
– Kākāriki
– Lilian’s Lovebird
– Long-billed Vulture
– Moluccan Cockatoo
– Parrotlet
– – Khaki Campbell
– Pigeon racing
– Pink Pigeon
– Red-and-green Macaw
– Rose-ringed Parakeet
– Rosy-faced Lovebird
– Senegal Parrot
– Softbill
– Spix’s Macaw
– Sun Parakeet
– Umbrella Cockatoo
Bird migration flyways
– Flyway
– Atlantic Flyway
– Central Flyway
– East Asian – Australasian Flyway
– Mississippi Flyway
– Pacific Flyway
Bird topography
– Beak
– Supercilium
Birds by classification
– Extinct birds
– – (Probably) Extinct birds
– – Late Quaternary prehistoric birds
– – Paleornithology
– – Fossil birds
– – Neornithes
– – Aves incertae sedis
– Suborders of birds
– – Corvida
– – Artamidae
– – Artamus
– – Cracticus
– – Gymnorhina
– – Currawong
– – Atrichornithidae
– – Callaeidae
– – Campephagidae
– – Cinclosomatidae
– – Psophodes
– – Climacteridae
– – Corcorachidae
– – Corvidae
– – Aphelocoma
– – Cissa
– – Corvus
– – Raven
– – Crypsirina
– – Cyanocitta
– – Cyanocorax
– – Cyanolyca
– – Cyanopica
– – Garrulus
– – Nucifraga
– – Perisoreus
– – Pica
– – Podoces
– – Pyrrhocorax
– – Urocissa
– – Dicruridae
– – Drongos
– – Monarchinae
– – Lamprolia
– – Rhipidurinae
– – Tersiphone
– – Icteridae
– – Irenidae
– – Laniidae
– – Malaconotidae
– – Tchagra
– – Maluridae
– – Meliphagoidea
– – Meliphagidae
– – Acanthorhynchus
– – Anthochaera
– – Manorina
– – Moho
– – Philemon
– – Phylidonyris
– – Menuridae
– – Neosittidae
– – Oriolidae
– – Orthonychidae
– – Pachycephalidae
– – Pitohui
– – Paradisaeidae
– – Pardalotidae
– – Pardalote
– – Petroicidae
– – Pityriaseidae
– – Pomatostomidae
– – Prionopidae
– – Ptilonorhynchidae
– – Turnagridae
– – Vangidae
– – Vireonidae
– – Passeri
– – Passerida
– – Aegithalidae
– – Aegithinidae
– – Alaudidae
– – Alauda
– – Chersophilus
– – Eremophila
– – Lullula
– – Melanocorypha
– – Buphagidae
– – Cardinalidae
– – Grosbeak
– – Certhiidae
– – Chaetopidae
– – Cinclidae
– – Cisticolidae
– – Coerebidae
– – Dicaeidae
– – Drepanididae
– – Melamprosops
– – Psittirostra
– – Vestiaria
– – Emberizidae
– – Ammodramus
– – Calamospiza
– – Calcarius
– – Chondestes
– – Emberiza
– – Geospizini
– – Juncos
– – Passerculus
– – Passerella
– – Pipilo
– – Pooecetes
– – Seedeater
– – Spizella
– – Zonotrichia
– – Estrildidae
– – Padda
– – Fringillidae
– – Carduelis
– – Carpodacus
– – Coccothraustes
– – Eophona
– – Euphoniinae
– – Chlorophonia
– – Euphonia
– – Fringilla
– – Leucosticte
– – Loxia
– – Pinicola
– – Pyrrhula
– – Rhodopechys
– – Serinus
– – Hirundinidae
– – Pseudochelidoninae
– – Hypocoliidae
– – Leafbirds
– – Melanocharitidae
– – Mimidae
– – Motacillidae
– – Muscicapidae
– – Ficedula
– – Saxicolinae
– – Cercotrichas
– – Cochoa
– – Copsychus
– – Cossypha
– – Enicurus
– – Erithacus
– – Luscinia
– – Oenanthe
– – Phoenicurus
– – Saxicola
– – Sheppardia
– – Nectariniidae
– – Nuthatches
– – Old World babblers
– – Paradoxornithidae
– – Paramythiidae
– – Paridae
– – Pseudopodoces
– – Parulidae
– – Dendroica
– – Seiurus
– – Vermivora
– – Passeridae
– – Peucedramidae
– – Picathartidae
– – Platysteiridae
– – Ploceidae
– – Polioptilidae
– – Promeropidae
– – Prunellidae
– – Ptilogonatidae
– – Pycnonotidae
– – Regulidae
– – Remizidae
– – Rhabdornithidae
– – Sturnidae
– – Acridotheres
– – Aplonis
– – Gracula
– – Sturnus
– – Sylviidae
– – Acrocephalus
– – Bradypterus
– – Chamaea
– – Hippolais
– – Locustella
– – Orthotomus
– – Phylloscopus
– – Sylvia
– – Thraupidae
– – Cyanerpes
– – Habia
– – Piranga
– – Ramphocelus
– – Spindalis
– – Tangara
– – Thraupis
– – Troglodytidae
– – Campylorhynchus
– – Troglodytes
– – Turdidae
– – Alethes
– – Bluebirds
– – Catharus thrushes
– – Myadestes
– – Rock thrushes
– – Zoothera
– – Viduidae
– – Waxwings
– – Zosteropidae
– – Zosterops
– – Tyranni
– – Acanthisittidae
– – Conopophagidae
– – Cotingidae
– – Cephalopterus
– – Procnias
– – Rupicola
– – Eurylaimidae
– – Calyptomena
– – Formicariidae
– – Furnariidae
– – Furnarius
– – Pseudocolaptes
– – Xenops
– – Philepittidae
– – Pipridae
– – Chiroxiphia
– – Manacus
– – Pitta
– – Rhinocryptidae
– – Thamnophilidae
– – Tyrannidae
– – Aphanotriccus
– – Attila
– – Contopus
– – Empidonax
– – Lathrotriccus
– – Myiarchus
– – Myiozetetes
– – Sayornis
– – Tityra
– – Tyrannus
– Parvorders of birds
– Superfamilies of birds
– – Anatoidea
– Bird families
– – Bird families – A
– – Accipitridae
– – Aegothelidae
– – Aepyornithidae
– – Alcedinidae
– – Alcidae
– – Anhingidae
– – Apterygidae
– – Bird families – B
– – Bucerotidae
– – Bird families – C
– – Caprimulgidae
– – Casuariidae
– – Cathartidae
– – Charadriidae
– – Chionididae
– – Columbidae
– – Bird families – D
– – Dendrocolaptidae
– – Dinornithidae
– – Dromadidae
– – Dromornithidae
– – Bird families – E
– – Bird families – F
– – Falconidae
– – Fregatidae
– – Bird families – G
– – Gastornithidae
– – Bird families – H
– – Haematopodidae
– – Hydrobatidae
– – Bird families – I
– – Ibidorhynchidae
– – Bird families – L
– – Bird families – M
– – Mesitornithidae
– – Bird families – N
– – Bird families – O
– – Bird families – P
– – Pedionomidae
– – Phaethontidae
– – Phalacrocoracidae
– – Phasianidae
– – Phorusrhacidae
– – Picidae
– – Plotopteridae
– – Pluvianellidae
– – Podicipedidae
– – Presbyornithidae
– – Psittacidae
– – Pteroclididae
– – Bird families – R
– – Rallidae
– – Raphidae
– – Rostratulidae
– – Bird families – S
– – Scolopacidae
– – Spheniscidae
– – Strigidae
– – Sulidae
– – Sylviornithidae
– – Bird families – T
– – Teratornithidae
– – Tetraonidae
– – Threskiornithidae
– – Trochilidae
– – Tytonidae
– – Bird families – V
– – Bird families – W
– Subfamilies of birds
– – Bucorvinae
– – Anatinae
– – Anserinae
– – Buteoninae
– – Chordeilinae
– – Mancallinae
– – Merginae
– – Palaeeudyptinae
– – Phaethornithinae
– – Tadorninae
– – Vanellinae
– Tribes of birds
– – Nestorini
– – Platycercini
– Passeriformes
– Carinatae
Birds by geography
– Endemism in birds
– Birds of Africa
– Birds of Asia
– Birds of Australia
– – List of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds
– – List of Australian birds
– Birds of Europe
Birds of prey
– Eagles
– Falconry
– Falcon
– Harrier
– Kites
– Old World vulture
– Owls
– True hawks
Bird diseases
– Angel Wing
– Avian adenovirus
– Avian flu
– – Transmission and infection of H5N1
– Bumblefoot
– Gallid herpesvirus 1
– Scaly leg
Famous birds
– Plumage
Fictional birds
– Fictional ducks
Flightless birds
– Struthioniformes
Heraldic birds
– American Robin
– Andean Condor
– Blue Jay
– Caladrius
– Canada Goose
– Canary
– Cassowary
– Condor
– Double-headed eagle
– Duck
– Emu
– Goose
– Heron
– Ibis
– Kingfisher
– Kookaburra
– Macaw
– Martlet
– Osprey
– Partridge
– Peafowl
– Pelican
– Pheasant
– Puffin
– Rooster
– Secretary Bird
– Snipe
– Spotted Eagle Owl
– Stork
– Swan
– Toucan
– Vulture
– Egg
– Ornithology
– Albatrosses
– Gannets
– Gulls
– – Larus
– Pterodroma
– Shearwaters
– Skuas
– Terns
– Recurvirostridae
– – Recurvirostra

The Birds World

Problems with translation

According to the school of thought of target-oriented translation, it is necessary to focus on the accuracy of the remarks at the expense of style, when necessary.

 Most freelance translators, telling that they are specialized in just about everything, contradict the term of specialization. It is obvious that their behavior is looking for maximum translation work.

 A well-known difficulty for translators, but there is little awareness outside of them, is the fact that the text to be translated is often already a translation, not necessarily true, and it must, to the extent possible, to try passing it back to the original.

 For a “smart”, sensible translation, you should forget not the knowledge acquired at school or university, but the corrective standards. Some people want a translation with the touch of the source version, while another people feel that in a successful version, we should not be able to guess the original language.

Problems with translation

Criticisms of utilitarianism

Criticisms of utilitarianism come from different authors, from various currents of anti-utilitarian thought as well as from various social movements such as environmental movements and alter-globalist movements. Indifference to inequality In its cardinal versions, total or average utilitarianism, utilitarianism does … Read More

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BIBC 2021: International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Blockchain

2nd International Conference on Big Data, IOT and Blockchain (BIBC 2021) October 23 ~ 24, 2021, Sydney, Australia Scope: 2nd International Conference on Big Data, IOT and Blockchain (BIBC 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results … Read More

The post BIBC 2021: International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Blockchain appeared first on Telework.