Physics disciplines, theories and methods

Disciplines Contemporary physics research is divided into various disciplines that study different aspects of the physical world. Field(s) Disciplines Main theories Some concepts Astrophysics and Mechanics Cosmology, Planetology, Plasma Physics, Big Bang Astroparticles Big Bang, Cosmic Inflation, General Relativity, Dark … Read More

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Time Travel

Time Travel

Time travel is a recognized concept in philosophy and science, but whose scope is highly disputed, giving rise to numerous paradoxes in both philosophy and science. Time travel is considered by some accepted both in general relativity and quantum mechanics, but there is a unanimous consensus that it is not feasible with current technology. (Hawkins 2010) The raised issues are different for the time travel in the past compared to the time travel in the future.

 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29776.76804

Time Travel

The development of Confucianism until its official recognition

The main disciples of the master are called the Twelve Philosophers and revered in Confucian temples. When Confucianism becomes official doctrine for the recruitment of civil servants under the previous Han, we can already distinguish different currents. Thereafter, two thousand … Read More

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EugenicsThe main concern of the first eugenists, such as Karl Pearson and Walter Weldon of University College London , were the perceived intelligence factors considered to be correlated with the social class. In his speech “Darwinism, Medical Progress and Eugenics”, Karl Pearson equates eugenics with a field of medicine. Some areas of medicine that are not commonly recognized as eugenic affect the human genes background. These include sterilization and surgical techniques that allow the functioning of reproductive organs. Even medicines that do not directly involve reproductive organs can alter the gene pool. Genetic abnormalities in such individuals are thus duplicated, modifying the genetic background. On this basis, such practices are widely accepted as more radical eugenic processes.

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29167.28326/1


Two possible approaches of the philosophy of language

(Parmenides, detail from The School of Athens by Raphael. “You cannot know what is not, you cannot grasp or express it; for thought and being are the same thing. (Parmenides).) In general, there are two possible approaches to the problem … Read More

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