Hellenism and Christianity in the First Centuries of Our Era (1)

Christianity is not opposed to Greek philosophy as one doctrine to another doctrine. The natural and spontaneous form of Christianity is not didactic and written teaching. In the Christian communities of the apostolic age, composed of artisans and ordinary people, … Read More

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Philosophy of the 10th and 11th centuries: The Berengar of Tours controversy (1)

What interests the history of philosophy is less dialectic as an art of discussion than the use we try to make of it to arrive at a conception of reality. To clarify, let us recall that Boethius’ collection posed several … Read More

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Philosophy in the 17th century – The conception of human nature: authority and absolutism (2)

One of the most characteristic productions of the century is De jure belli et pacis (1625) by Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), the author of the doctrine of the law of nature, which claims to find universal rules and obligatory for all … Read More

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Newton’s thought on celestial mechanics and its diffusion

Let us indicate, in its essential features, the change of mind produced by the prodigious success and by the diffusion of Newton’s celestial mechanics: at the beginning of the 18th century, a sort of Cartesian orthodoxy reigned almost everywhere in … Read More

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